Tri-State Tool Grinding Will Help You Maximize Your Efficiency with Minimal Cycle Times
We get it. Precision cutting tools that reduce cycle times are critical to your machining applications. To accurately reproduce the tight tolerances that meet your specifications and ensure efficient machine operation, Tri-State Tool Grinding measures new and reground cutting tools with a Zoller® Genius universal tool measuring machine. The result is a comprehensive numeric fact sheet ensuring that your tooling is cut to the exact geometries you specified.

We Always Keep It Clean—Our Inspection System Measures Down to 0.0001"
Measuring tool geometries with contact-less inspection offers unparalleled reliability. The Zoller Genius inspection process uses four LED illuminated 200X microscopes for tool examination. Using this micro-precision inspection system enables measurements as small as 0.0001”. That’s small enough that even dust particles can be cause for re-examination.

Two Qualities You and Your Customers Can Depend On: Saving Time and Money
Zoller Genius measurement results are documented in detail and can be transferred to a Cutting Tool Data Sheet at the push of a button. This saves you valuable time during work preparation and programming, preventing time-consuming rework, and managing those awkward client complaints. Tri-State Tool Grinding’s quality control process occurs during our regrinding process and is backed-up with this dependable inspection system ensuring quality results that convince both you and your customers.

Some Technical Specifications From Our Zoller Genius® Inspection Process
By using adapters and tool posts, the quoted measuring range may vary sightly. Please call us if you have any questions concerning our inspection process and/or measuring capacity with the Zoller Genius.
- Measuring range Z: 23.620 (600 mm)
- Measuring range X: 6.880” (175 mm)
- Measuring range Y: 3.930” (100 mm)
- Diameter: 13.375” (340 mm)
- Snap gauge Ø: 3.930” (100 mm)