COMING SPRING 2014: PCD Sharpening and Retipping Capability
Diamond, PCD and CBN cutting tools are among the hardest and toughest tools on the market today. To extend the life of your PCD tooling, Tri-State Tool Grinding now offers PCD sharpening of rotating cutting tools and indexable machining inserts. Our grinding process results in impressive cutting performance, best cutting quality, higher service life and therefore more productivity for your company.
CASE STUDY: Rebraze and Regrind on PCD Tooling can be a 75% Cost Savings Over Purchasing PCD New Tooling
Tri-State Tool Grinding will shim, rebraze and regrind your PCD tooling back to original specification. We’ve found that cost savings on the first rebraze and regrind are 75% under the cost of purchasing new PCD cutting tools.
OEMs realize the cost savings with PCD tool sharpening and retipping
It is not a quick process however rebrazing and regrind will provide a huge cost savings over buying new PCD tooling. Cost saving that can reach 70%. The unique aspect of PCD grinding is you're grinding diamond with diamond. This means working with 1000-3000 grit wheels. Often you will remove almost as much stock from the wheel as comes off the part.
Our Investment into PCD Tool Life, Tool Sharpening, and Quality Control
PCD tools have broad applications and a very high commercial value. However, when compared to other materials, the useful life of PCD tools depends even more greatly on the quality of the blade sharpening. To ensure the sharpest edge to a PCD tool regrind, Tri-State Tool Grinding has made a considerable investment, to date, well over $1,000,000 in PCD tool sharpening equipment, extensive training and facility upgrades.